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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:52 am

Tasha Greyback was with a Gryffindor walking through Knockturn Alley. She never thought she would have seen the day before that day. She admired the girl. She chose not to follow in her fathers footsteps which Tasha could never do with her parentage. Though it did make her father proud of her and her mother a little jealous. Her mother wanted to be the special one in the Dark Lord's life and the 17 year old had become an interest the moment she was marked. But now that Hogwarts was over and she was an adult her life was changing. And she thought it for the better.

She had no clue what seeing Amelia's father was going to be like for her. Whether he'd torture her. Kill her or hire her. She was a little nervous. Most Death Eaters hated her because she wasn't fighting in the battle. When he fell she was in the Forbidden forest laying in the clearing where the battle had continued. She'd rolled into the trees having been hit by a spell and crawled further into the trees out of the battle. When it was taken into the castle Tasha had followed only to witness her mothers own death. She had hated the Weasley's for a while for that. But she'd ran from the castle and went to the Lestrange manor taking refuge. The Aurors had questioned her and said she was free to go after the battle. Most of the Death Eaters thought she had said she was a double agent or something and she had no clue if Amelia's father thought that too.

She looked over at Amelia pulling her away from the shadows carefully as they walked through the alley. "Never know who or what you'll find here," she said to Amelia.

Last edited by Tasha Greyback on Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
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Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:28 pm

As they strolled through Knockturn Alley, Amelia admitted to herself a tinge of jealousy. Despite her choice, Tasha had become someone of importance, noteworthy, because she hadn't run. A part of Amelia still wondered what could have happened had she gone the same way. She wouldn't have been the first Gryffindor to go to the Dark Lord.

It was what Arthur Milloway had wanted. He had desired power and protection of those greater than him. All her life he had insisted she do similar and make friends with the powerful. It had definitely led to their estrangement as well as her disappearance. When Hogwarts became under attack though, she had returned. As far as she knew no one knew she'd come back. She had helped usher the younger children out to safety through the Hog's Head.

Knockturn Alley gave her an uneasy feeling as if there were enemies staring from every dark window. She clung to the shadows out of habit until Tasha pulled her out. "I know, I'm just really jittery here. I feel like this place is breathing down my neck..."
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Tue Oct 11, 2016 6:56 pm

"Believe me it is. It's a dark place. Not one for the light," she said chuckling. She was so used to Knockturn Alley it hardly bothered her anymore. The cold air didn't get to her anymore.

"So not meant to be rude but what did happen to you? Why'd you leave Hogwarts? I mean sure Death Eaters were in the school but it was still safer than the real world... I mean my last mission was in Hogsmeade," she said looking around her. She heard a hiss and someone murmur her name and just about nearly walked into someone coming out of the shadows.
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:43 pm

Amelie ducked away from the people that loped by, keeping her hands tucked in her pockets. One hand wrapped tightly around her wand. "The reason I avoid this place," she muttered. "Aside for the obvious."

"I broke the rules. Like Longbottom." She glared warily at the shadowed person as they darted away. "I couldn't stomach how some were treated. The Carrows dealt out nasty punishments and I know they wouldn't have killed me. Longbottom said as much. As purebloods we would be tortured but not killed. Still, that didn't stop me from becoming afraid so I ran to my aunt's home in Godric's Hollow." That was the real joke to her. She was supposed to be brave. That was a Gryffindor thing and she ran like a coward to the birth of Gryffindor. Her next words tumbled out before she could stop them. "I came back once the war hit Hogwarts. I got the kids out before running into the fray. Somehow I wasn't scared anymore."
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:40 am

"Well it would explain avoiding it," she said with a shrug. "Personally I'm used to it," she added.

She listened to Amelia talk about how she broke the rules. She smirked slightly. "I remember that all to well. I was allowed to practice the torture curse on you and Longbottom," she said Neville's name with disgust. She'd never really liked him. And it wasn't because of Malfoy. "So a cowardly Gryffindor. Who knew," she said playfully. "Well that was brave of you. Coming back. I wouldn't have joined the battle personally. Even with wanting to torture and kill than I felt a strange thing about it being my classmates. The Dark Lord.. thought he was punishing me sending me to Hogsmeade and keeping me from battling. I'd failed him and instead of my death he tortured me and sent me on little useless missions. As his personal slave. He was calling me his pup. So he sent me to round up some potion ingredients and even though I returned during the battle he didn't need them. He sent me into the school to find the Carrows," she said as they walked further into Knockturn Alley. "Come to think of it I'll always have his scars," she murmured. He was rather cruel to her.
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:43 pm

"Turn here," Amelia said. She remembered all too well those detentions and didn't care to dwell on them much. Until they had found her uncooperative, she too had been made to practice the Cruciatus Curse. The memory caught her off guard for a moment as she felt her face pale. "Truth is, even though I hated it, and I mean it made me sick half the time..." She sighed deeply. There was no use to keep lying to herself. "I wasn't just afraid of being burt. I was afraid to become like my father. There were days that I could really see things his way and I almost decided to follow his advice. Do everything he told me to do."

A dry laugh sounded from her. She didn't feel brave and still didn't. In fact, she was plenty sure the hat had misplaced her. She listened to how Tasha had been treated. It sounded like all she had overheard. Voldemort had treated people like toys. That's all they ever were to him, toys and pawns. "There were some real hard times then?" Only several more shops to go before Arthur's shop should come into view.
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:55 pm

Tasha turned into a corridor when Amelia told her too. She couldn't see Amelia's face very well in the darkness of the alley. Even with the sun. "It happens to the best and the worst of us. You don't have it any better or worse for having thoughts like those," she said with a shrug.

"More than you know. It got really hard. There were times any of us could have wished for death over following. But most death eaters were seeking power from him. And a little pain didn't outweigh the power," she said shrugging casually. As they got closer and closer to the shop Tasha started to relax a little. She wasn't sure how they would interact but she wasn't scared.

As they arrived by the store Tasha walked beside Amelia. "You better go in first... Soften the blow..." she said
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:10 pm

The shop finally came into view. The storefront stood out among the rest with its dark gleam and windows that were so clear that they might have not seen them if Amelia hadn't ran her hand over one. Glittering gold letters floated above the arched entryway: Milloway Pawn and Storage. "He's gotten a bigger place," she muttered. "And gone more extravagant." A chill ran down her spine. She could see clear through. Inside was the same as ever, but she couldn't see Arthur yet.

She paused, hand on the door. "I don't think anything short of being drunk is going to soften this reunion." The door chimed loudly as she opened it. The ringing echoed throughout the store. "Arthur?" she called. "It's your long lost daughter."
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:17 pm

Tasha hadn't been there in a while. She noticed the changes to the store front and peeked her head into the glass to see inside. It looked the same inside. "Well since the war.. everywhere has revamped itself..." she muttered looking across at another place momentarily.

She heard Amelia's words and nodded glumly. "I'll be keeping my wand at the ready in case he feels the need to... attack," she muttered putting her hand in her robes. She followed Amelia inside hearing the door shut softly behind her. She heard sounds in the back. It was her extra good hearing. "He's in the back..." she said
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Thu Jan 19, 2017 10:38 am

Amelia nodded her acknowledgement. A jolt of panic hit her as they walked to the back of the store. She could hear him now, rummaging and muttering. "I doubt he'll want to attack, however..." An odd frown twisted her mouth. "What do I really know about him after all?" In the back she saw that one thing hadn't changed at all. He still sold some dark objects. They lay in glass cases with cards beneath them.

She stopped abruptly at the door. "Er...sorry, I'm more nervous than I realized," she murmured before taking a deep breath. She pushed the door open, calling out once again. The rummaging paused. "Father?"
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:42 pm

"He won't attack you but most death eaters think of me as a traitor. I didn't fight in the war.... I hid..." she said. "And they hate me for being a Greyback on top of that..." She saw the Dark objects and smirked slightly.

"It's fine Amelia. He's your father.." she offered knowing the feeling about parents and put her hand on the girls shoulder comfortingly momentarily. She heard the rummaging stop as Amelia walked into the back room and followed after her slowly.
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Arthur Milloway Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:02 pm

Arthur was busy organizing his storage room. He had collected so much junk since the events at Hogwarts and it was unlikely to be going anywhere. Unfortunately, that meant he had to find places to keep it all; and space in the store was running out. Arthur had gathered so much from the frightened that he'd even lost track of what he had. "What's this?" he muttered to himself as he lifted a locket from a box. "What does this do?"

Arthur was so lost in his search that he didn't even hear the chime of his store's entrance opening. What was this he'd found now? Some sort of ball? What did it do? "Ugh! Blast it! So much bloody rubbish! I can't sell it if I can't figure out what it is!"

As Arthur tossed the box aside, he heard the door to his storeroom creak. He subtly palmed his wand in preparation for the worst. It was then that he heard a voice he'd thought he'd not ever hear again.

"Amelia?" he gasped as he turned around. Without question, there she was. His estranged daughter Amelia had come to his store. "Oh my dear!" he bellowed as he ran forth and wrapped her in a tight hug. "I'd not thought I'd see you here. What has brought you to me? Are you okay? Is someone after you?"
Arthur Milloway
Arthur Milloway

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:32 pm

Undoubtedly, it was actually worse than Amelia had imagined. As Arthur rushed forwards she had no time to prepare before being suddenly ensured in his embrace. She shot a pleading look at Tasha for help while awkwardly patting her father's shoulder. "Yeah, it's me," she said.

"No, no one is after me. Not like anyone would be seeing as I avoided all the bad stuff like a plague." Her annoyance was poorly hidden. She gestured behind her. "Dad, this is Tasha," she said, getting introductions out of the way fast. "Tasha, meet Arthur Milloway." Amelia explained why they were there in hopes that Arthur might have need of a new worker. She kept her distance from him after the initial hug while staring around the storeroom. There were plenty more artifacts there. Some unidentifiable at a glance, but a few she had seen elsewhere like the locket peeking out of its thrown box. It had been there for ages and possibly forgotten.
Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:45 pm

What Tasha wasn't expecting was to see Arthur Milloway come running at them hugging his daughter Amelia. She coughed to let him know she was not the only one in the room. As Amelia asked her for help she chuckled. 

She saw a ball of some kind poking out of a box. "Oh is this one of those Devil's Work balls?" she asked herself. She knew what most of the artifacts he had were. As Amelia introduced her to Arthur Milloway she smirked.

"It has been a long time sir. Tasha Greyback," she said trying to hide her faded Dark Mark she'd had no choice but to get. She listened to Amelia's explanation of the job and looked at him.

"A place such as this. Looks like you may be in need of some help to sort through all of this," she said lifting the locket admiringly.
Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Arthur Milloway Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:13 pm

Arthur smiled at his daughter as she reassured him. "Well, that'd be the exact reason someone might be after you," he entertained. He followed Amillia's hand as she gestured toward Tasha.

"Yes, Ms. Greyback; I suppose it has," Arthur responded to her introduction. In earnest, he could hardly forget the girl or the luck she'd had in what she'd been entrusted with. Nothing like the sneaky and delicate work he'd been given. Of course, the Greyback's weren't exactly known for delicacy. "And that may very well be a Devil's Work ball. It has been here for some time and through all recent events, what with moving and 'other things' I've lost track of a great portion of my stock."

Arthur quickly stepped over to Tasha and removed the locket from her hands. "Yes, I could certainly use a hand; please don't touch anything, this has become a bit of a mess. Of course, not just anyone could work here. Some of the items here are; as I'm certain you have noticed, a bit perilous. Do you think you could handle that?"
Arthur Milloway
Arthur Milloway

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Tasha Greyback Fri Feb 03, 2017 12:37 pm

Tasha watched as Arthur Milloway walked over to her grabbing the locket out of her hand. She thought mentioning the ball would have shown him she knew her information about old stuff. "Mister Milloway sir. I have quite the fascination with these perilous sorts of things. I know how to handle with care. The Malfoy's raised me every summer. Since my father was a werewolf," she said politely.

She looked over at Amelia. "Most of this stuff is all boxed up. It should be displayed where it is meant to be. I could sort through it and find spots if you'd hire me sir," she had continued on.

Tasha Greyback
Tasha Greyback

Posts : 24
Age : 34
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

Post by Amelia Milloway Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:39 pm

She rolled her eyes at the thought. "I never pledged an allegiance if you recall," she said dryly. The only time she had ever run into trouble because of him was when a few death eaters had come to his shop years ago.

Amelia saw the reluctance and sighed. It wasn't as if he had much choice. This place was a mess and she certainly did not have the time or desire to help fix it. She snagged the locket from her father and shoved it back into its box. "Look, you need some help. She know what this stuff is just as well as you do," she said. "Though that locket doesn't need to be touched much. It likes to choke distracted people, remember?"

"You're actually right, Tasha," she admitted. "But as crowded as most of the cases up front are the only way to fully display all of this would probably be to make this another addition to the shop instead of a storage area." Boxes seemed to line the walls though. It would be a feat to organize it all. "And you would have to be well prepared for any ministry visits." At this she turned to Arthur. "I take it mum still gives you a heads up when they're coming, right?"

Amelia Milloway
Amelia Milloway

Posts : 18
Age : 31
Humor : I'm a boomerang. I take you get my drift?

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Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation Empty Re: Getting hired and new friendships work a strange way (For Amelia Milloway & Arthur Milloway) - Continuation

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